Statement of Changes in Equity

for the period ended 30 June 2017

Original Budget
Opening balance - - -
Balance carried forward from previous period 183 183 183
Adjusted opening balance 183 183 183
Transactions with owners
Contributions by owners
Departmental capital budget 59 - 59
Total transactions with owners 59 - 59
Closing balance as at 30 June 242 183 242
Opening balance
Balance carried forward from previous period 3,490 3,562 3,574
Adjusted opening balance 3,490 3,562 3,574
Comprehensive income
Surplus/(Deficit) for the period (107) (72) -
Total comprehensive income (107) (72) -
Closing balance as at 30 June 3,383 3,490 3,574
Opening Balance
Balance carried forward from previous period 3,673 3,745 3,757
Adjusted opening balance 3,763 3,745 3,757
Comprehensive income
Surplus/(Deficit) for the period (107) (72) -
Total comprehensive income (107) (72) -
Transactions with owners
Contributions by owners
Department by capital budget 59 - 59
Total transactions with owners 59 - 59
Closing balance as at 30 June 3,625 3,673 3,815

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Accounting Policy

Equity Injections Amounts appropriated which are designated as ‘equity injections’ for a year (less any formal reductions) and Departmental Capital Budgets (DCBs) are recognised directly in contributed equity in that year.

Budget Variances Commentary

Statement of Changes in Equity for not-for-profit Reporting Entities Variances are considered to be 'major' when the difference is greater than 10% or more than $50,000 or a lesser amount if pertinent to the understanding of the financial statements.

  1. Opening balances carried forward for retained earnings and total equity reflect the budget being prepared before 2015-16 actual results were known.
  2. Total comprehensive income (net deficit) - the budget was estimated to be cost neutral for 2016-17 however a loss was incurred. The main component for the deficit resulted from a misunderstanding of shared services charges whereby additional costs of $60k over our estimation were not advised to ASEA until late June 2017. The remainder of the variance is made up of $27k for completion of services ahead of schedule, employee costs and provisions, and $20k relating to depreciation.