Priority two: Identification and effective legacy management

Many homes, public and commercial buildings and infrastructure contain large amounts of ACMs, which have already or soon will reach the end of their product life.

Preventing exposure to asbestos fibres requires this material to be accurately identified and then maintained in a safe state until it can be appropriately removed.

Even then, natural disasters and emergencies will occasionally disturb previously safely contained materials.

Strategic actions under this priority include:

  • identifying and promoting robust models for identifying and grading ACMs
  • collaborating to develop a national picture of where ACMs are located in homes, commercial and public buildings, infrastructure and land
  • promoting practical and effective information on how to stabilise and contain ACMs in homes, workplaces and the environment
  • encouraging effective management of asbestos-contaminated land ensuring timely review and revision of emergency and natural disaster planning
  • ensuring the provision of information about ACMs at point of sale for all homes, buildings, infrastructure and land
  • improving and aligning asbestos-related legal frameworks
  • ensuring effective compliance and enforcement of relevant laws by regulatory agencies.