Priority three: Safe prioritised removal and effective waste management

Where asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are in poor condition and present a risk to health and safety, they will need to be removed to prevent the risk of exposure to asbestos fibres.

This requires careful planning and budgeting. It also requires the development of schedules and processes for prioritised removal according to risk and then safe transport, storage and disposal.

Strategic actions under this priority include:

  • improving the quality of asbestos-related training and ensuring effective oversight of licensing regimes
  • ensuring existing tools for prioritising removal of ACMs are tested, promoted and used
  • developing and sharing jurisdictional policies on prioritised removal of ACMs from government-owned and controlled buildings, land and infrastructure
  • prioritising the removal of ACMs by commercial premise owners from buildings, land and infrastructure
  • developing incentives to encourage the safe removal and disposal of ACMs from homes
  • improving the accessibility and availability of waste disposal facilities for ACMs.