Priority four: International collaboration and leadership

Tragically, Australia was proportionally one of the highest per-capita producers and users of asbestos in the world.

It is important that we now use our experience in a positive way, particularly in our region, to assist the campaign to ban the production and trade of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).

Effective collaboration, influence and investment amongst Australian and international agencies will also help importers understand and comply with Australia’s ban, and stop the illegal importation of ACMs into Australia.

Strategic actions under this priority include:

  • continuing to present the Australian Government’s position on banning asbestos mining, manufacture and use to relevant international bodies
  • sharing best practice approaches to asbestos awareness, management and eradication at international events
  • identifying and managing ACM importation risks through proactive international engagement
  • continuing education of the import supply chain to prevent ACMs entering Australia.