MicroRNA replacement: A novel therapeutic approach for malignant mesothelioma

Date created: Date modified: 22 Mar 2021

Asbestos Diseases Research Institute (ADRI)

A breakthrough discovery found that an entire family of gene regulators, called microRNAs, are lost in mesothelioma. As part of a Cancer Council NSW funded grant, Associate Professor Glen Reid from the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute and his research team, in collaboration with scientists at the biotech company EnGeneIC, are creating a new therapeutic drug for mesothelioma that mimics those microRNAs which are lost during the development of mesothelioma. Restoring the activity of these microRNAs stops the growth of the mesothelioma cells and makes the cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy. For more information, visit the Cancer Council NSW website or ADRI website.