Statement of Financial Position

as at 30 June 2018

  Notes 2018
Original Budget
Financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents 2.1A 64 66 128
Trade and other receivables 2.1B 4,193 4,362 4,353
Total financial assets   4,257 4,428 4,481

Non-financial assets

Leasehold improvements 2.2A 40 57 -
Plant and equipment 2.2A 77 76 134
Prepayments   64 52 65
Total non-financial assets   181 185 199
Total assets   4,438 4,613 4,680
Suppliers 2.3A 503 593 573
Other payables 2.3B 141 40 -
Total payables   644 633 573
Employee provisions 4.1A 229 355 387
Total provisions   229 355 387
Total liabilities   873 988 960
Net assets   3,565 3,625 3,720
Contributed equity   270 242 302
Retained surplus/(Accumulated deficit)   3,287 3,383 3,418
Total equity   3,565 3,625 3,720

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Budget Variances Commentary

Statement of Financial Position for not-for-profit Reporting Entities

Variances are considered to be 'major' when the difference is greater than 10% or more than $50,000 or a lesser amount if pertinent to the understanding of the financial statements.

  1. Financial assets - The 2017-18 budget estimate was created prior to closing the 2016-17 financial year, at a time when ASEA's projects had not been fully determined. The actual completion of projects during 2017-18 resulted in the reduction in Cash and Trade receivables.
  2. Non-financial assets - The leasehold improvement and plant and equipment categories are not separated out in the PBS. The variance relates to these items - only minimal purchases of assets required during 2017-18 as most assets were relatively new.
  3. Payables - Suppliers and other payables were not separated out in the2017-18 PBS. This was changed in the MYEFO budget round. Suppliers in general was less resulting from prompt payment of services provided before year end. The main variance in total payables is "other payables" and relates to $95k in unexpected leave liability for staff leaving and transferring out from the Agency, for which have not been invoiced before the year end, and unexpected prepaid income of $3k. Also included in other payables are normal activities of accruing for 2 days wages and employees expenses, and the annual adjustment of straight lining the fixed lease increase.

Employee Provisions - reduction relates to then net balance of leave taken on termination when staff left the Agency, and corrections to employee leave entitlements for incorrect leave parameters and valuations against actual leave entitlements maintained in the HR leave reports and the end of year adjustment for the short hand method calculation of Leave provisions. Provisions are expected to increase when staff vacancies are filled in the next financial year.