Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the period ended 30 June 2017

  Notes 2017
Original Budget
Employee benefits 1.1A 1,727 1,482 1,244
Suppliers 1.1B 3,261 2,140 3,359
Grants   - 25 -
Depreciation and amortisation 2.2A 20 1 -
Total expenses   5,008 3,649 4,603
Own-source revenue
Sale of Doods and Rendering of Services 1.2A 225 240 -
Other revenue 1.2B 73 73 -
Total own-source revenue   298 313 -
Net (cost of)/contribution by services   (4,710) (3,336) (4,603)
Revenue from Government 1.2C 4,603 3,264 4,603
Surplus (Deficit) on containing operations   (71,932) 132,712 -
Total comprehensive income (loss)   (71,932) 132,712 -

1. Detail of reclassification adjustments relating to items of other comprehensive income are disclosed in Note 1.3A


Budget Variances Commentary


Statement of Comprehensive Income for not-for-profit Reporting Entities


  1. Variances are considered to be 'major' when the difference is greater than 10% or more than $50,000 or a lesser amount if pertinent to the understanding of the financial statements.Employee benefits - the variance reflects the associated salary and on costs of ASL for the year being slightly higher than the budget of 12 ASL, and the cost of backfilling and replacing several employees who left the organisation.
  2. Suppliers - decreased as a result of the implemented efficiency strategy to reduce costs which included bringing some previous shared service activity to in house activity.
  3. Depreciation - current year depreciation not included in budget.
  4. Rendering of services - no isolated current year budget. The amount relates to the annual conference being budgeted for in a net fashion to expenses.
  5. Other revenue - auditors remuneration not included in budget.