National targets

A suite of national stretch targets will help us remain focused and measure our progress over the next five years.

Due to the long latency of asbestos-related diseases, any data on the incidence of these diseases will reflect historical exposures and our failure to take action in the past. The national targets ensure that our focus is clearly on preventing exposure to asbestos fibres now and into the future. NSP 2019–2023 targets reflect how effective our combined strategic actions under each of the four national priorities will be.

Our 2023 targets are:

  1. increased awareness of the health risks of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and where to source information: all tradespersons whose work brings them into contact with ACMs; all workers in workplaces with ACMs; 80 per cent of homeowners and occupiers, 80 per cent of property managers and real estate agents
  2. all governments have identified and assessed the risks associated with ACMs in publicly owned and controlled buildings, land and infrastructure
  3. all jurisdictions have schedules and processes for the prioritised safe removal according to risk of ACMs from public buildings and infrastructure, and safe disposal of that material
  4. all regulators have in place and have implemented asbestos compliance programs
  5. all commercial buildings which are required by law to maintain asbestos registers, have up-to-date registers and management plans that are actively being implemented
  6. all regulators are investigating, prosecuting and penalising serious known breaches of asbestos-related laws including illegal waste disposal and importation
  7. easier and cheaper disposal of asbestos waste
  8. bans of asbestos production and use in South-East Asia and the Pacific have been influenced and progressed
  9. develop an evidence-based national picture that assesses the likelihood of asbestos containing materials being present in the residential environment.