banner that reads "Asbestos a line in the sand" FAMANZ

FAMANZ Conference 2021 | Asbestos - A Line in the Sand

Two images, split diagonally, left side, some vintage cars, right side, a man installing something not in frame to the ceiling

Updated asbestos awareness brochures for fire protection trades, and the automotive industry and historic car enthusiasts

Image with text 'Research the community impact of loose fill asbestos' 'Scholarships are now open'. Graphic art image of laptop with miniature people interacting with it

ACT Government PhD scholarship and research award opportunity

Image of someone typing on a laptop

New dedicated mini sites for electricians and plumbers

Hand reaching out and touching images on a virtual screen; images highlight different types of artificial intelligence

Applications open for the National residential asbestos heatmap by predictive modelling approach to market

Female in construction attire holding a clipboard at a worksite

Updated asbestos safety brochures for electricians and plumbers


ABF targets asbestos in imported building products

image of a flood, road sign peeking through water.

Safety information: asbestos and flooding

Asbestos Safety Summit 2021: Implementing the National Strategic Plan

Asbestos Safety Summit 2021: Implementing the National Strategic Plan

Image of medical research laboratory

Asbestos Diseases Research Institute named WHO Collaborating Centre